@extends('Reports.template') @section('title') Desciplinary Letter @endsection @section('ExternalCss') @parent @endsection @section('Content') @php $date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+4 day", strtotime("$employeedata->status_effective_date"))); @endphp
@if($employeedata->address_type!=null) @if($employeedata->address_line1!=null) @endif @if($employeedata->address_line2!=null) @endif @if($employeedata->city!=null) @if($employeedata->pincode!=0) @else @endif @endif @endif
Registered A. D.
Date : {{\Helper::getDisplayDate($date) }}
(Disciplinary Letter-1)

{{ $employeedata->employee_name }}
{{ $employeedata->address_line1 }}
{{ $employeedata->address_line2 }}
{{ $employeedata->city }} - {{ $employeedata->pincode }}
{{ $employeedata->city }}

Subject : To Resume your duties / Intimate HR department

Dear {{ $employeedata->employee_name }},

Emp. ID - {{ $employeedata->employee_id }}
Department - {{ $employeedata->department_name }}

It has been found that you are continuously absent from your duty from the date {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($employeedata->status_effective_date) }}.
There is no any information to your department / HR department regarding this.
It is a gentle reminder to resume your duties within 48hrs of receiving this letter.
Kindly communicate through e-mail / letter if you are unable to join the hospital.
In case you do not join the duty after 48hrs, your appointment remains cancelled, hospital shall not hold any liabilities with your appointment.
If you do not want to continue with the job, kindly submit your resignation letter and complete the clearance formalities.

For, {{ $businessEntityMasterData->name }},


@endsection @section('BootstrapModals') @endsection @section('ExternalJs') @endsection