@extends('Reports.template') @section('title') UAN Registration Details @endsection @section('ExternalCss') @parent @endsection @section('Content') @php $currentTime = \Carbon\Carbon::now(); @endphp @php $sr = 1; @endphp @foreach ($UANDetails as $key =>$UAN) @endforeach
@if($businessEntityMasterData[0]->logo != null) Pharmacy Logologo )}}"/> @endif
{{ $businessEntityMasterData[0]->name }}
{{$businessEntityMasterData[0]->add1. " " .$businessEntityMasterData[0]->add2 ." ".$businessEntityMasterData[0]->city." : " .$businessEntityMasterData[0]->pincode }}
{{"Phone : ".$businessEntityMasterData[0]->tel1}}
UAN Registration Details As on: {{$currentTime->format('d/m/Y H:i:s ')}}
Sr No     Status Employee Id Employee Name Gender Date of Joining Date Of Birth Home Phone Office Phone Mobile Number Work Email Personal Email Marital Status Spouse Name Father Name PAN No Aadhar No UAN No
{{$sr++}}    {{ $UAN ->Status}} {{ $UAN ->EmployeeId }} {{$UAN->Name}} {{($UAN->Gender == 'M') ? 'Male' :'Female'}} {{\Helper::getDisplayDate($UAN->DateOfJoining)}} {{\Helper::getDisplayDate($UAN->DateOfBirth)}} {{$UAN->HomePhone}} {{$UAN->OfficePhone}} {{$UAN->Mobile}} {{$UAN->WorkMail}} {{$UAN->PersonalMail}} {{$UAN->MaritalStatus}} {{$UAN->SpouseName}} {{$UAN->FatherName}} {{$UAN->PANNo}} {{$UAN->AadharNo}} {{$UAN->UANNo}}
{{ strtoupper(Session::get('userId'))." # ".$currentTime->format('d/m/Y H:i:s ')}}