@extends('Reports.template') @section('title') @if ($rateType == 'W') @php $reportTitle = 'Patient Wise Gross Profit & Sales Margin Details - With GST'; @endphp @else @php $reportTitle = 'Patient Wise Gross Profit & Sales Margin Details - Without GST'; @endphp @endif {{ $reportTitle }} @endsection @section('ExternalCss') @parent @endsection @section('Content') @php $currentTime = \Carbon\Carbon::now(); @endphp @if ($Report_Type == 'D') @else @if ($rateType == 'W') @else @endif @endif @if ($Report_Type == 'D') @else @endif @php $oldTrnType = ''; $oldTrnId = ''; $oldEntity = ''; $oldPatient = ''; $headerSr = 1; $transactionSr = 1; $totalSaleMrp = 0; $totalSaleAmt = 0; $totalPurchaseAmt = 0; $totalProfitAmt = 0; $grossTotalSaleMrp = 0; $grossTotalSaleAmt = 0; $grossTotalPurchaseAmt = 0; $grossTotalProfitAmt = 0; $negativeBold = 0; $patient_id = ''; $patient_name = ''; $ipd_reg_id = ''; $entity_name = ''; $patienttotalSaleMrp=0; $patienttotalSaleAmt = 0; $patienttotalPurchaseAmt = 0; $patienttotalProfitAmt = 0; $entitytotalSaleMrp=0; $entitytotalSaleAmt = 0; $entitytotalPurchaseAmt = 0; $entitytotalProfitAmt = 0; @endphp @if ($Report_Type == 'D') @if (!empty($productProfit)) @foreach ($productProfit as $profit) @php if (!empty($fromdate)) { $patient_id = $profit->patient_id; $patient_name = $profit->patient_name; $ipd_reg_id = $profit->ipd_reg_id; $entity_name = $profit->entity_name; } elseif (!empty($patientData)) { $patient_id = $patientData->patient_id; $patient_name = $patientData->patient_name; $ipd_reg_id = $patientData->ipd_reg_id; $entity_name = $patientData->entity_name; } @endphp @if ($profit->trn_type != $oldTrnType || $profit->trn_id != $oldTrnId) @if ($headerSr > 1) @if ($totalSaleAmt != 0) @else @endif @if ($totalPurchaseAmt != 0) @else @endif @endif @if ($headerSr > 1 && $patient_id != $oldPatient) @if ($patienttotalSaleAmt != 0) @else @endif @if ($patienttotalPurchaseAmt != 0) @else @endif @endif @if ($headerSr > 1 && $entity_name != $oldEntity && $ipId=='') @if ($entitytotalSaleAmt != 0) @else @endif @if ($entitytotalPurchaseAmt != 0) @else @endif @endif @php $transactionSr = 1; $totalSaleAmt = 0; $totalSaleMrp = 0; $totalPurchaseAmt = 0; $totalProfitAmt = 0; $negativeBold = 0; @endphp @if ($entity_name != '' && $entity_name != $oldEntity && $ipId=='') @php $entitytotalSaleMrp = 0; $entitytotalSaleAmt = 0; $entitytotalPurchaseAmt = 0; $entitytotalProfitAmt = 0; @endphp @endif @if ($patient_id != '' && $patient_id != $oldPatient) @php $patienttotalSaleMrp=0; $patienttotalSaleAmt = 0; $patienttotalPurchaseAmt = 0; $patienttotalProfitAmt = 0; @endphp @if($ipId=='') @endif @endif @endif @php $profitAmt = $profit->sale_amt - $profit->pur_amt; if ($profit->pur_amt != 0) { $ProfitPer = ($profitAmt / $profit->pur_amt) * 100; } if ($profit->sale_amt != 0) { $MarginPer = ($profitAmt / $profit->sale_amt) * 100; } if ($profitAmt < '0') { $negativeBold = 'td bold alignTop borderTopGray txtRight'; } else { $negativeBold = 'td notBold alignTop borderTopGray txtRight'; } if ($ProfitPer < '0') { $negativeBoldPer = 'td bold alignTop borderTopGray txtRight'; } else { $negativeBoldPer = 'td notBold alignTop borderTopGray txtRight'; } if ($MarginPer < '0') { $negativeBoldMargin = 'td bold alignTop borderTopGray txtRight'; } else { $negativeBoldMargin = 'td notBold alignTop borderTopGray txtRight'; } @endphp @php $totalSaleMrp += $profit->mrp; $totalSaleAmt += $profit->sale_amt; $totalPurchaseAmt += $profit->pur_amt; $totalProfitAmt += $profitAmt; if ($patient_id != '') { $patienttotalSaleMrp += $profit->mrp; $patienttotalSaleAmt += $profit->sale_amt; $patienttotalPurchaseAmt += $profit->pur_amt; $patienttotalProfitAmt += $profitAmt; } $entitytotalSaleMrp += $profit->mrp; $entitytotalSaleAmt += $profit->sale_amt; $entitytotalPurchaseAmt += $profit->pur_amt; $entitytotalProfitAmt += $profitAmt; $grossTotalSaleMrp += $profit->mrp; $grossTotalSaleAmt += $profit->sale_amt; $grossTotalPurchaseAmt += $profit->pur_amt; $grossTotalProfitAmt += $profitAmt; $oldTrnType = $profit->trn_type; $oldTrnId = $profit->trn_id; if ($patient_id != '') { $oldPatient = $patient_id; $oldEntity = $entity_name; } @endphp @endforeach @endif @if ($totalSaleAmt != 0) @else @endif @if ($totalPurchaseAmt != 0) @else @endif @if ($patient_id != '') @if ($patienttotalSaleAmt != 0) @else @endif @if ($patienttotalPurchaseAmt != 0) @else @endif @endif @if ($entity_name != '' && $ipId=='') @if ($entitytotalSaleAmt != 0) @else @endif @if ($entitytotalPurchaseAmt != 0) @else @endif @endif @if ($grossTotalSaleAmt != 0) @else @endif @if ($grossTotalPurchaseAmt != 0) @else @endif @else @if (!empty($productProfit)) @foreach ($productProfit as $profit) @php if (!empty($fromdate)) { $patient_id = $profit->patient_id; $patient_name = $profit->patient_name; $ipd_reg_id = $profit->ipd_reg_id; $entity_name = $profit->entity_name; } elseif (!empty($patientData)) { $patient_id = $patientData->patient_id; $patient_name = $patientData->patient_name; $ipd_reg_id = $patientData->ipd_reg_id; $entity_name = $patientData->entity_name; } @endphp @if ($profit->trn_type != $oldTrnType || $profit->trn_id != $oldTrnId) @if ($headerSr > 1) @if ($totalSaleAmt != 0) @else @endif @if ($totalPurchaseAmt != 0) @else @endif @endif @if ($headerSr > 1 && $patient_id != $oldPatient) @if ($patienttotalSaleAmt != 0) @else @endif @if ($patienttotalPurchaseAmt != 0) @else @endif @endif @if ($headerSr > 1 && $entity_name != $oldEntity && $ipId=='') @if ($entitytotalSaleAmt != 0) @else @endif @if ($entitytotalPurchaseAmt != 0) @else @endif @endif @php $totalQty=0; $transactionSr = 1; $totalSaleAmt = 0; $totalSaleMrp=0; $totalPurchaseAmt = 0; $totalProfitAmt = 0; $negativeBold = 0; @endphp @if ($entity_name != '' && $entity_name != $oldEntity && $ipId=='') @php $entitytotalSaleMrp=0; $entitytotalSaleAmt = 0; $entitytotalPurchaseAmt = 0; $entitytotalProfitAmt = 0; @endphp @endif @if ($patient_id != '' && $patient_id != $oldPatient) @php $patienttotalSaleMrp = 0; $patienttotalSaleAmt = 0; $patienttotalPurchaseAmt = 0; $patienttotalProfitAmt = 0; @endphp @if($ipId=='') @endif @endif @endif @php $profitAmt = $profit->sale_amt - $profit->pur_amt; if ($profit->pur_amt != 0) { $ProfitPer = ($profitAmt / $profit->pur_amt) * 100; } if ($profit->sale_amt != 0) { $MarginPer = ($profitAmt / $profit->sale_amt) * 100; } if ($profitAmt < '0') { $negativeBold = 'td bold alignTop borderTopGray txtRight'; } else { $negativeBold = 'td notBold alignTop borderTopGray txtRight'; } if ($ProfitPer < '0') { $negativeBoldPer = 'td bold alignTop borderTopGray txtRight'; } else { $negativeBoldPer = 'td notBold alignTop borderTopGray txtRight'; } if ($MarginPer < '0') { $negativeBoldMargin = 'td bold alignTop borderTopGray txtRight'; } else { $negativeBoldMargin = 'td notBold alignTop borderTopGray txtRight'; } $totalSaleMrp += $profit->mrp; $totalSaleAmt += $profit->sale_amt; $totalPurchaseAmt += $profit->pur_amt; $totalProfitAmt += $profitAmt; if ($patient_id != '') { $patienttotalSaleMrp += $profit->mrp; $patienttotalSaleAmt += $profit->sale_amt; $patienttotalPurchaseAmt += $profit->pur_amt; $patienttotalProfitAmt += $profitAmt; } $entitytotalSaleMrp += $profit->mrp; $entitytotalSaleAmt += $profit->sale_amt; $entitytotalPurchaseAmt += $profit->pur_amt; $entitytotalProfitAmt += $profitAmt; $grossTotalSaleMrp += $profit->mrp; $grossTotalSaleAmt += $profit->sale_amt; $grossTotalPurchaseAmt += $profit->pur_amt; $grossTotalProfitAmt += $profitAmt; $oldTrnType = $profit->trn_type; $oldTrnId = $profit->trn_id; if ($patient_id != '') { $oldPatient = $patient_id; $oldEntity = $entity_name; } @endphp @endforeach @endif @if ($totalSaleAmt != 0) @else @endif @if ($totalPurchaseAmt != 0) @else @endif @if ($patient_id != '') @if ($patienttotalSaleAmt != 0) @else @endif @if ($patienttotalPurchaseAmt != 0) @else @endif @endif @if ($entity_name != '' && $ipId=='') @if ($entitytotalSaleAmt != 0) @else @endif @if ($entitytotalPurchaseAmt != 0) @else @endif @endif @if ($grossTotalSaleAmt != 0) @else @endif @if ($grossTotalPurchaseAmt != 0) @else @endif @endif
@if ($businessEntityMasterData[0]->logo != null) Pharmacy Logo @endif
{{ $businessEntityMasterData[0]->name }}
{{ $businessEntityMasterData[0]->add1 . ' ' . $businessEntityMasterData[0]->add2 . ' ' . $businessEntityMasterData[0]->city . ' : ' . $businessEntityMasterData[0]->pincode }}
{{ 'Phone : ' . $businessEntityMasterData[0]->tel1 }}
{{ $reportTitle }} IP Bill Period : {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($fromdate) }} TO {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($todate) }}
 Sr No.  Trn No Trn Date Bill TypeSale Amt MRPSale Amt With GST Purchase Amt With GSTSale Amt Without GST Purchase Amt Without GSTGross Profit Amt Gross Sales Margin % Gross Profit %
Sr No.  Product Name Sale Qty Sale Amt MRP Sale Amt Purchase Amt Gross Profit Amt Gross Sales Margin % Gross Profit %
(A) (B) (C = A - B) (D = (C / A) * 100) (E = (C / B) * 100)
(A) (B) (C = A - B) (D = (C / A) * 100) (E = (C / B) * 100)
Total : {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalSaleMrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalSaleAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalPurchaseAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalProfitAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($totalProfitAmt / $totalSaleAmt) * 100) . '%' }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($totalProfitAmt / $totalPurchaseAmt) * 100) . '%' }}
Patient Total : {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($patienttotalSaleMrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($patienttotalSaleAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($patienttotalPurchaseAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($patienttotalProfitAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($patienttotalProfitAmt / $patienttotalSaleAmt) * 100) . '%' }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($patienttotalProfitAmt / $patienttotalPurchaseAmt) * 100) . '%' }}
Entity Total : {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($entitytotalSaleMrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($entitytotalSaleAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($entitytotalPurchaseAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($entitytotalProfitAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($entitytotalProfitAmt / $entitytotalSaleAmt) * 100) . '%' }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($entitytotalProfitAmt / $entitytotalPurchaseAmt) * 100) . '%' }}
Entity : {{ $entity_name }}
Patient : {{ $patient_id . ' / ' . $patient_name }}   IP ID : {{ $ipd_reg_id }} Discharge Date : @if ($profit->discharge_date!="0000-00-00") {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($profit->discharge_date) }} @endif
 {{ $headerSr++ }}  {{ $profit->trn_type. "/". $profit->trn_fyear. "/" . $profit->trn_id }} {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($profit->trn_date) }} {{ $profit->is_credit_bill=="N"?'CASH':'' }}
{{ $transactionSr++ }}  {{ $profit->product_name }} {{ $profit->quantity }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($profit->mrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($profit->sale_amt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($profit->pur_amt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($profitAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($MarginPer) . '%' }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($ProfitPer) . '%' }}
Total : {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalSaleMrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalSaleAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalPurchaseAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalProfitAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($totalProfitAmt / $totalSaleAmt) * 100) . '%' }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($totalProfitAmt / $totalPurchaseAmt) * 100) . '%' }}
Patient Total : {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($patienttotalSaleMrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($patienttotalSaleAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($patienttotalPurchaseAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($patienttotalProfitAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($patienttotalProfitAmt / $patienttotalSaleAmt) * 100) . '%' }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($patienttotalProfitAmt / $patienttotalPurchaseAmt) * 100) . '%' }}
Entity Total : {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($entitytotalSaleMrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($entitytotalSaleAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($entitytotalPurchaseAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($entitytotalProfitAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($entitytotalProfitAmt / $entitytotalSaleAmt) * 100) . '%' }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($entitytotalProfitAmt / $entitytotalPurchaseAmt) * 100) . '%' }}
Bill Total : {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($grossTotalSaleMrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($grossTotalSaleAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($grossTotalPurchaseAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($grossTotalProfitAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($grossTotalProfitAmt / $grossTotalSaleAmt) * 100) . '%' }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($grossTotalProfitAmt / $grossTotalPurchaseAmt) * 100) . '%' }}
{{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalSaleMrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalSaleAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalPurchaseAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalProfitAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($totalProfitAmt / $totalSaleAmt) * 100) . '%' }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($totalProfitAmt / $totalPurchaseAmt) * 100) . '%' }}
Patient Total : {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($patienttotalSaleMrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($patienttotalSaleAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($patienttotalPurchaseAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($patienttotalProfitAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($patienttotalProfitAmt / $patienttotalSaleAmt) * 100) . '%' }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($patienttotalProfitAmt / $patienttotalPurchaseAmt) * 100) . '%' }}
Entity Total : {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($entitytotalSaleMrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($entitytotalSaleAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($entitytotalPurchaseAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($entitytotalProfitAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($entitytotalProfitAmt / $entitytotalSaleAmt) * 100) . '%' }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($entitytotalProfitAmt / $entitytotalPurchaseAmt) * 100) . '%' }}
Entity : {{ $entity_name }}
Patient : {{ $patient_id . ' / ' . $patient_name }}   IP ID : {{ $ipd_reg_id }} Discharge Date : @if ($profit->discharge_date!="0000-00-00") {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($profit->discharge_date) }} @endif
 {{ $headerSr++ }}  {{ $profit->trn_type. "/". $profit->trn_fyear. "/" . $profit->trn_id }} {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($profit->trn_date) }} {{ $profit->is_credit_bill=="N"?'CASH':'' }}{{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalSaleMrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalSaleAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalPurchaseAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalProfitAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($totalProfitAmt / $totalSaleAmt) * 100) . '%' }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($totalProfitAmt / $totalPurchaseAmt) * 100) . '%' }}
Patient Total : {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($patienttotalSaleMrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($patienttotalSaleAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($patienttotalPurchaseAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($patienttotalProfitAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($patienttotalProfitAmt / $patienttotalSaleAmt) * 100) . '%' }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($patienttotalProfitAmt / $patienttotalPurchaseAmt) * 100) . '%' }}
Entity Total : {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($entitytotalSaleMrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($entitytotalSaleAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($entitytotalPurchaseAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($entitytotalProfitAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($entitytotalProfitAmt / $entitytotalSaleAmt) * 100) . '%' }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($entitytotalProfitAmt / $entitytotalPurchaseAmt) * 100) . '%' }}
Bill Total : {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($grossTotalSaleMrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($grossTotalSaleAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($grossTotalPurchaseAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($grossTotalProfitAmt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($grossTotalProfitAmt / $grossTotalSaleAmt) * 100) . '%' }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat(($grossTotalProfitAmt / $grossTotalPurchaseAmt) * 100) . '%' }}
{{ strtoupper(Session::get('userId')) . ' # ' . $currentTime->format('d/m/Y H:i:s ') }}

@if ($ipId=='') @if (!empty($productProfit)) @php $qty=0; $old_sr=0; $mrp=0; $cash_bill=0; $credit_bill=0; $totalcash_bill=0; $totalcredit_bill=0; $A=0; $B=0; $totalmrp=0; $totalA=0; $totalB=0; $next=-1; @endphp @foreach ($productProfit as $profit) @php if($next==-1) { $oldEntity=$productProfit[0]->entity_name; } @endphp @php $old_mrp=$profit->mrp; $old_sale_amt=$profit->sale_amt; $old_pur_amt=$profit->pur_amt; @endphp @if($profit->entity_name == $oldEntity) @php $next=0; @endphp @else @php $next=1; @endphp @endif @if($next==1) @php $qty=0; $mrp=0; $cash_bill=0; $credit_bill=0; $A=0; $B=0; @endphp @endif @php $mrp+=$old_mrp; if($profit->is_credit_bill=="N") { $cash_bill+=$old_mrp; } else { $credit_bill+=$old_mrp; } $A += $old_sale_amt; $B += $old_pur_amt; $totalmrp+=$old_mrp; if($profit->is_credit_bill=="N") { $totalcash_bill+=$old_mrp; } else { $totalcredit_bill+=$old_mrp; } $totalA+= $old_sale_amt; $totalB+= $old_pur_amt; $oldEntity = $profit->entity_name; @endphp @endforeach @if($next==0) @endif @endif
Entity Wise Summery IP Bill Period : {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($fromdate) }} TO {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($todate) }}
Entity Name Sales Amt MRP Cash Bill Total Credit Bill Total Sales Amt Purchase Amt Gross Profit Amt Hospital Share Pharmacy Share Gross Sales Margin % Gross Profit %
(A) (B) (C = A - B) 85% 15% (D= (C / A) * 100) (E = (C / B) * 100)
{{ $oldEntity }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($mrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($cash_bill) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($credit_bill) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($A) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($B) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($A-$B) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat((($A-$B)*85)/100) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat((($A-$B)*15)/100) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat((($A-$B)/$A)*100)."%" }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat((($A-$B)/$B)*100).'%' }}
{{ $oldEntity }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($mrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($cash_bill) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($credit_bill) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($A) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($B) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($A-$B) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat((($A-$B)*85)/100) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat((($A-$B)*15)/100) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat((($A-$B)/$A)*100)."%" }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat((($A-$B)/$B)*100).'%' }}
Total : {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalmrp) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalcash_bill) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalcredit_bill) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalA) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalB) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($totalA-$totalB) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat((($totalA-$totalB)*85)/100) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat((($totalA-$totalB)*15)/100) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat((($totalA-$totalB)/$totalA)*100)."%" }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat((($totalA-$totalB)/$totalB)*100).'%' }}
{{ strtoupper(Session::get('userId')) . ' # ' . $currentTime->format('d/m/Y H:i:s ') }}
@endsection @section('BootstrapModals') @endsection @section('ExternalJs') @endsection