@extends('Reports.template') @section('title') Product List with manufacturer details @endsection @section('ExternalCss') @parent @endsection @section('Content')
@if($businessEntityMasterData[0]->logo != null) logo )}}" /> @endif |
{{ $businessEntityMasterData[0]->name }}
{{$businessEntityMasterData[0]->add1. " " .$businessEntityMasterData[0]->add2 ." ".$businessEntityMasterData[0]->city." : " .$businessEntityMasterData[0]->pincode }}
{{"Phone : ".$businessEntityMasterData[0]->tel1}}
Product List with manufacturer details | As On : {{$currentTime->format('d/m/Y H:i:s ')}} | |||||||||||
Sr No. | Product Name | Category | Purchase UOM | Stock UOM | Packing | Conversion | HSN Code | Generic Drug Name | Manufacturer name | Is LASA | Is High-Risk | Is Narcotics |
".++$i." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->product_name." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->category_name." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->purchase_uom." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->stock_uom." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->pack." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->conversion_factor." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->product_hsn_code." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->generic_drug_name." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->manufacturer_name." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->is_lasa." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->is_highrisk." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->is_narcotic." | "; echo "