@extends('AdminLte.template') @section('title') @php $trnasactionTitle = "Barcode Based Product Inquiry" ; @endphp {{$trnasactionTitle}} @endsection @section('ExternalCss') @parent @endsection @section('Content')


Barcode :    From :    To :   
Sr No.   Trn Type Trn ID Trn DateTime Qty   Patient / Department / Supplier Store To Store
General Information :
PR - Purchase Return
I - Sale
IR - Sale Return
DC - Delivery Challan
DCR - Delivery Challan Return
GRNR - GRN Return
GIN - Material Issue Note
GINR - Material Issue Note Return
GTTS - Material Transfer
@endsection @section('BootstrapModals') @endsection @section('ExternalJs') @endsection