@extends('AdminLte.template') @section('title') {{$title}} @endsection @section('ExternalCss') @parent @endsection @section('Content')
{{ Form::open(['action' => "ItemController@createPurchaseWithPo",'autocomplete'=>'off','id'=>'purchaseForm']) }}



PO No :
Supplier Name
Supplier Bill No
Supplier Bill Date :
Voucher No
Voucher Bill Date
Supplier Bill Date
@if($sellingPriceLogicApplicable == "Y") @endif
Sr    Medicine/Item Name Category PUOM Pkg Batch    Exp Qty FQty Sch Amt MRP Rate Disc Disc Amt Net Rate GST% GST AmtSPTotal

@if($accessType == 'E') @endif
@php if(session()->get('messageType') == 'success'){ $class = "alert-success"; }else if(session()->get('messageType') == 'error'){ $class = "alert-danger"; } @endphp @if(session()->has('message'))
× {{"(#" . session()->get('trnType')."/".session()->get('trnFyear')."/".session()->get('trnId'). ")"}} {{session()->get('message')}}

Remark :

Note :
- Required fields.
- Required either fields.
Submit - Stock information will be updated for Transaction entries.
@if($billAmendment == 'N') Save - Stock information will not be updated for Transaction entries.
Cancel - Entire transaction will be marked Cancelled. @endif
@php $type = ($accessType == 'E' && $trnType == 'P' && $billAmendment != 'Y') ? 'password' : 'text'; @endphp
Gross Amount :
Discount :
Net Taxable Amount :
CGST Amount :
SGST Amount :
IGST Amount :
Invoice Amount :
Scheme / Credit Note Amount :
TCS Amount :
Round Off :
Net Amount:
Enter Net Amount:

@if($accessType == 'E') @endif @if($closeButtonVisible === 'Y') @endif
{{ Form::close() }}

@endsection @section('BootstrapModals') @include('Components/Bootstrap Modals/product_all_purchase_bill_details_modal') @include('Components/Bootstrap Modals/product_all_stock_modal') @endsection @section('ExternalJs') @endsection