@extends('AdminLte.template') @section('title') Stock Adjustment Cycle @endsection @section('ExternalCss') @parent @endsection @section('Content')
@php $trnasactionTitle = "Stock Adjustment Cycle " ; $submitBtnValue = "Submit"; $submitBtnClass = "btn-primary"; if($barcodeGenerate == "Y"){ $submitBtnValue = "Submit With Barcode"; $submitBtnClass = "btn-warning"; } @endphp


Store :
{{ Form::open(['action' => 'ItemController@createStockCycle','autocomplete'=>'off','id'=>'adjustmentForm']) }}
Transaction # From (Sr No.) # To (Sr No.) # Total (Sr No.) #
Sr    Medicine/Item Name Category SUOM Pkg Manufacture Batch Exp System Qty Physical Qty Diff Stock Qty

@php if(session()->get('messageType') == 'success'){ $class = "alert-success"; }else if(session()->get('messageType') == 'error'){ $class = "alert-danger"; } @endphp @if(session()->has('message'))
× {{session()->get('message')}}

Note :
- Required fields.
Submit - Stock information will be adjusted for Transaction entries.
Gross Amount :
Net Taxable Amount :
CGST Amount :
SGST Amount :
Invoice Amount :
Round Off :
Net Amount:
Enter Net Amount:

{{ Form::close() }}

@endsection @section('BootstrapModals') @endsection @section('ExternalJs') @endsection