@extends('AdminLte.template') @section('title') @php if ($poCategory == 'G') { $transactionTitle = 'Store Purchase Order'; if ($poAmendment == 'Y') { $transactionTitle = 'Store Purchase Order Amendment'; } } elseif ($purchase_order_type == 'RPO') { $transactionTitle = 'Pharmacy PO With Rate Contract'; if ($poAmendment == 'Y') { $transactionTitle = 'Pharmacy PO Amendment With Rate Contract'; } } else { $purchase_order_type = 'NPO'; $transactionTitle = 'Pharmacy Purchase Order'; if ($poAmendment == 'Y') { $transactionTitle = 'Pharmacy Purchase Order Amendment'; } } @endphp {{ $transactionTitle }} @endsection @section('ExternalCss') @parent @endsection @section('Content')
@if ($poAmendment == 'Y') {{ Form::open(['action' => 'StorePoController@createPoAmendment', 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'id' => 'purchaseForm', 'name' => 'purchaseForm']) }} @else {{ Form::open(['action' => 'StorePoController@create', 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'id' => 'purchaseForm', 'name' => 'purchaseForm']) }} @endif @php $isClosed = $po_status = ""; if (isset($poHeader)) { $storeCode = $poHeader->store_code; $storeName = $poHeader->store_name; $isClosed = $poHeader->is_closed; $po_status = $poHeader->po_status; } else { $storeCode = ''; $storeName = ''; } @endphp

@if($isClosed == "Y")  Closed  @elseif($po_status == 'A')  Approved  @elseif($po_status == 'T') Denied / Cancelled @elseif($po_status == 'U')  Un Approved   @endif

{{ $transactionTitle }}

@if ($storeName != '') Store : @else Store : @endif
@if(isset($purchase_order_type)) @else @php $purchase_order_type=''; @endphp @endif @php $termsAndCondition = isset($poHeader) ? $poHeader->terms_conditions : ''; $approvalRemark = isset($poHeader) ? $poHeader->approval_remark : ''; @endphp @php if (isset($poHeader)) { $approvedBy = $poHeader->approved_by; $approvedDate = $poHeader->approved_date; $createdBy = $poHeader->created_by; $createdDate = $poHeader->created_date; $isClosed = $poHeader->is_closed; $supplierId = $poHeader->supplier_id; $supplierName = $poHeader->supplier_name; $supplierGstNo = $poHeader->supplier_gstin_no; $poNumber = $poHeader->po_type . $poHeader->po_id; $poDate = $poHeader->po_date; $paymentTermsAfter = $poHeader->payment_terms_after; $paymentTermsAfterUnit = $poHeader->payment_terms_after_unit; $readOnlyClass = 'readOnlyBackground'; $readOnly = 'readOnly'; } else { $approvedBy = ''; $approvedDate = ''; $createdBy = ''; $createdDate = ''; $isClosed = 'N'; $supplierId = ''; $supplierName = ''; $supplierGstNo = ''; $poNumber = ''; $poDate = date('Y-m-d'); $remarks = ''; $readOnlyClass = ''; $readOnly = ''; $paymentTermsAfter = ''; $paymentTermsAfterUnit = 'days'; } @endphp
Supplier Name : @if ($poAmendment == 'Y') @else @endif @if ($poCategory == 'G') @php $backUrl = $poUserType == 'S' ? url('StorePoDashboard/SuperUser') : url('StorePoDashboard/User'); @endphp @elseif($purchase_order_type == 'RPO') @php $backUrl = $poUserType == 'S' ? url('StorePoDashboard/SuperUser') : url('StorePoDashboard/SupplierRate'); @endphp @else @php $backUrl = $poUserType == 'S' ? url('StorePoDashboard/PharmacySuperUser') : url('StorePoDashboard/PharmacyUser'); @endphp @endif @if ($accessType == 'E')   @endif  
GST No :
PO No : @if ($poAmendment == 'Y') @else @endif
PO Date : @if ($poAmendment == 'Y') @else @endif

        @if ($accessType == 'E') @endif


@if ($purchase_order_type == 'RPO')
Qty  Delivery Date
Qty  Delivery Date
@if ($accessType == 'E') @if ($purchase_order_type == 'RPO')



@php $counter = 0; $po_valid_date = ''; @endphp @if (isset($poTransactionData)) @foreach ($poTransactionData as $key => $poTransaction) @php $po_valid_date = $poTransaction->po_valid_upto; $i = $counter++; $pkg = '1x' . $poTransaction->conversion_factor; $qtyDetail = ''; $receivedQtyDetail = ''; $pendingQtyDetail = ''; $dateDetail = ''; @endphp @foreach ($poDeliveryScheduleData as $k => $poDeliverySchedule) @if ($poTransaction->po_sr_no == $poDeliverySchedule->po_sr_no) @php $qtyDetail = $poDeliverySchedule->qtyDetail; $receivedQtyDetail = $poDeliverySchedule->receivedQtyDetail; $pendingQtyDetail = $poDeliverySchedule->pendingQtyDetail; $dateDetail = $poDeliverySchedule->dateDetail; @endphp @endif @endforeach @if ($purchase_order_type == 'RPO') @else @endif @if ($purchase_order_type == 'RPO') @else @endif @if ($purchase_order_type == 'RPO') @else @endif @endforeach @endif
Item Name Category PUOM Pkg Qty Rate Disc Disc Amt Taxable Amt GST% GST Amt Total
@if ($accessType == 'E') @else @endif

@if ($accessType == 'E') @endif  
@php if (session()->get('messageType') == 'success') { $class = 'alert-success'; } elseif (session()->get('messageType') == 'error') { $class = 'alert-danger'; } @endphp @if (session()->has('message'))
× {{ 'Purchase Order (#' . session()->get('trnType') . session()->get('trnId') . ')' }} {{ session()->get('message') }}

Payment Terms:
  @if ($purchase_order_type == 'RPO') Rate Contract Until: @endif
PO Terms & Conditions     

@if ($poAmendment == 'N' && $poUserType == 'S')
Approval Remark

@php if (isset($poHeader)) { $grossTotal = $poHeader->gross_total . '.00'; $discountType = $poHeader->discount_type; $discountAmt = $poHeader->discount_amt . '.00'; $shippingCharges = $poHeader->shipping_charges . '.00'; $otherCharges = $poHeader->other_charges . '.00'; $netTaxableAmt = $poHeader->net_taxable_amt . '.00'; $cgstAmt = $poHeader->cgst_amt . '.00'; $sgstAmt = $poHeader->sgst_amt . '.00'; $igstAmt = $poHeader->igst_amt . '.00'; $invoiceAmt = $poHeader->invoice_amt . '.00'; $roundOff = $poHeader->round_off . '.00'; $total = $poHeader->total . '.00'; } else { $grossTotal = ''; $discountType = ''; $discountAmt = ''; $shippingCharges = ''; $otherCharges = ''; $netTaxableAmt = ''; $cgstAmt = ''; $sgstAmt = ''; $igstAmt = ''; $invoiceAmt = ''; $roundOff = ''; $total = ''; } @endphp

@if ($accessType == 'E') @if ($poAmendment == 'N') @if ($poUserType == 'S') @else @endif @else @endif @else @if($poUserType == 'S' && $isClosed != 'Y' && $po_status == 'A')   @endif Back @endif
{{ Form::close() }}

@endsection @section('BootstrapModals') @include('Components/Bootstrap Modals/product_all_purchase_bill_details_modal') @include('Components/Bootstrap Modals/product_all_stock_modal') @include('Components/Bootstrap Modals/supplier_modal') @include('Components/Bootstrap Modals/product_modal') @include('Components/Bootstrap Modals/category_modal') @include('Components/Bootstrap Modals/drug_modal') @include('Components/Bootstrap Modals/manufacture_modal') @include('Components/Bootstrap Modals/unit_modal') @include('Components/Bootstrap Modals/productgroup_modal') @include('Components/Bootstrap Modals/email_modal') @include('Components/Bootstrap Modals/sending_modal') @include('Components/Bootstrap Modals/tamplate_create_terms_condition') @endsection @section('ExternalJs') @endsection